Crafting Notes
Here's my blog... oh wait, blogs requires one to update frequently, right? I don't do that. So, here's my collection of stories, crafting notes and other tidbits that warrant more attention than just a single image could.
My 2024 in review
An analysis of failure, to conclude that it wasn't.
Where I am getting back into Blender, and immediately get stuck in the sand.
Smoke and photography
A review of all the things that didn't work.
Continuous light
Where I gave myself a challenge and ended up with way too many lightstands in frame.
Pixie in Pixelworld
Where even the smoke is pixels!
9 years in 9 days
Ork, a history
Shiva in Ice
Where emission planes and particle systems create an icy landscape.
One day build: the moss cave
Where a plane gets extruded into a mossy cave!
A Faerie Caught
where I discovered that a wall of flowers beats a landscape of stars
where I started blocking out the environment, and then called it a day.
Stay Safe
just a little bit of editing.. so let's get on to that! But.. it didn't work. And then it didn't work again! Eventually, this turned into a 5 month project.
inspired by the sight of empty streets in our cities during the Covid-19 pandemic, broken by a few food delivery scooters racing up and down the streets. At the same time, we heard the sounds of birds everywhere. Is nature growing back on us?
Purple garden
it started with a moodboard. And was planned as a studio shoot. But then I discovered the power of turning leaves purple!
only of my early forays into the world of 3D! I had lots of fun, and I am happy with the result, but it is also nowhere near anything realistic.. yet
Ode to Joi
what started out as an hommage to Blade Runner 2049 and ended up with learning a new version of Blender!
On the road to 3D
where I take my first steps in 3D, and utterly fail in creating something realistic.